Colonel Robert Frederick Sink

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Colonel Robert Frederick Sink

Pioneer and survivor...

West Point 1927, born April 30, 1905, died December 13, 1965. 25th Infantry at Fort Huachuca, Arizona from 1938 to 1940. Followed all the development of the Airborne from June 40; Commander of B company, 501st Parachute Battalion, then S-3, and XO of 501 PIB, then CO of 503rd PIB. Became XO of the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment in March 1942 with the rank of major. In July 1942, he was assigned to the newly formed 506 PIR, with the rank of Lt Colonel in Toccoa and then Bragg. He carried out all the campaigns of the regiment in Europe. In August 1945, he was Assistant Division Commander of the 101st Airborne. He was awarded the Silver Star, the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Medal. He finished his career in the administration, at West Poiint, Washington and then Okinawa. He is the only 101st regimental commander to have served the entire war. Jumpy Johnson KIA (501st), Moseley then Michaelis WIA (502nd) or George Wear (327th GIR) relieved from his command, were not so lucky. The 506 is thus designated by this acronym, the Five o'Sink... Sink was very appreciated by his soldiers who affectionately called him "Bourbon" Sink, for reasons easy to guess...
